Wednesday 27 April 2016

Three Become One: Architects, Decade, Grumble Bee

UK rock edition. For rock fans. And fans of rock. And rocking. Rock.
You know when you use a word too much and it doesn't look or sound real any more? Yeah, that.

Architects - Gone With The Wind

This is the second track that we've heard from Architects' upcoming album All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us and I'm more than happy to declare that it's better than the first. This new album seems to be a continuation of what we heard on their last, with a heavy stance and powerful connotations. Sam Carter's vocals sound great on this too; a great balance between the screamy bits and the far less screamy bits. Also, the sing-along bits on this will probably be quite good won't they?  I always think that fans of the blog would be surprised that Architects are a band that I'm into considering the amount of pop that goes on here, but I'm not sure there are many fans of the blog so it's not really a problem!

Decade - Daisy May

You may or may not (probably the latter, realistically) recall that right at the beginning of the month I posted a couple of songs from Decade frontman Alex Sears' side-project, Sophomore. Well, about a week later Decade released the first song to be taken from their forthcoming second album; it's called 'Daisy May' and it's actually quite good. It's far less pop punk and far more 90s/early 00s rock with a little grunge thrown in. Very cvrrent. Like this is the kind of thing I would have really liked when I was getting into rock things in my early teenage years. Gonna be mad stoked if the rest of their album is a similar vibe to this to be honest. The middle eight bit is a mad vibe too.

Grumble Bee - Soft Filter, Black & White Picture

Grumble Bee is actually just one guy who does songs called Jack Bennett. This particular song, 'Soft Filter, Black & White Picture' is like the... slow one (??) from his debut EP and it's really quite good. It's also now accompanied by a lyric video which Bennett put together himself. That's quite a nice thing to add to your skill-set, I reckon, especially when it doesn't look half bad. I saw Grumble Bee live as a full band the other week and... honestly I was a little disappointed but I think this song was probably the one that sounded best. I'd be mad into seeing him do an acoustic set though, I think that'd be pretty faultless.

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