Thursday 4 February 2016

I Got Vibe On It: RKCB, Ed Thomas

When you're not sure whether the title you've given a post is quite self-explanatory enough or not... although I guess in the end, it doesn't even matter-erer-erer.

RKCB - Future Being

Oh hey RKCB, you made me wait all that time for your debut EP (it's called Short Films, it's great, you can get it for free, all various info on that here) and now here you are just dishing out tracks like it's nothing. I see how it is, but I assure you that this is by no means a complaint. 'Future Being' seems to be a standalone track from the LA based duo and it's a fair bit heavier on the electronicy elements than some of their other material, but it really works and the vibe is still high. Also, this lowkey chorus sounds so UK early 2000s boyband. I don't know how familiar RKCB are with the likes of Another Level but this is mildly reminiscent. Also did you know that RKCB literally stands for the two guy's initials? Because I didn't, but now I do. And so do you. Finally, it's a free AF download - go wild!

Ed Thomas - Love Is Red

If you cast your mind way back just over a year ago now, you'll remember that Ed Thomas' debut EP Outlaws was one of my favourite EPs of 2014. You may not remember, however, that shortly after posting, Ed Thomas promised (this term is used very loosely, there were no promises actually made) that there was more to come in 2015. Now into 2016 this is clearly something that slipped both our minds entirely because straight out of thin air last week appeared 'Love Is Red'. Prepare for a grammatically incorrect sentence: Ed Thomas' voice is one of my favourites in music right now. And I say right now, I mean... since I first heard Chase & Status' 'Blk & Blu'. Although 'Love Is Red' is definitely more ballady than the sort of thing I generally like, the vocals are undeniable, and after hearing what Thomas has been working on with Louis Mattrs and Zak Abel I'm so excited to hear what's in store for his future solo material.

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